The Big Brother of the Multi-Service App like Gojek is here: Gojek Clone In Nigeria! It is the First Choice of Every Aspiring Entrepreneur because it helps you Make Easy and Quick Money at the Bat of an Eyelid! This Super App has made many Ordinary laymen Billionaires! That’s the Charm of this App. But the Real Question is: how are they able to Rake in millions, or rather billions, of US Dollars in Profits?
Profit-making Business Model Of Gojek Clone in Nigeria
Commission on every order
The App Owner Stands to Earn Commission on Every Single Service Rendered or Order Placed through the Gojek Clone On Demand Apps In Nigeria! Service Providers who are Officially Registered with this Super App are Contractually Bound to Pay a Certain Percentage of their Earnings Per Order/Service to the App Owner as Commission.
Admin Enjoys the Exclusive Authority to Decide Commission Rates of Each of the Services Offered through the App. These Rates Differ based on the Genre of the Service rendered and its Demand in the Market!
Subscription plans
The Service Providers have to Make a One-Time-Payment to the App Owner to Buy a Subscription Plan of their Choice that fits their Budget. These Plans are Designed by the App Owner Only. Each Subscription Plan comes with a Certain Validity Period such as Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Annually!
Once the Plan is Active, the Service Providers No Longer have to Pay Commissions At All to the App Owner. It is an Anti-Commission Business Model!
The Admin Starts Sending In-App Push Notifications to the Service Provider for Plan Renewals Days Before the Plan Expiry Date! However, if the Plan has Expired, then they can No Longer Accept Service Requests!
Ground-breaking Features Of Gojek Clone App KINGX 2022
The Users In Nigeria Now Have the Exclusive Right to Request for an Immediate Online Video Consultation Session with Doctors, Personal Academic Tutors, Lawyers, Yoga Instructors and Fitness Coaches, Psychiatrists and even Astrologers!
Consultation Fee gets Automatically Deducted from the Users’ Pre-Saved Amex Credit Card once the Session has Ended! As it is the Only Mode of Payment Accepted for this Avant Garde Feature!
The Users aren’t allowed to Place a Video Call on their Own! First the Field Specialist has to Accept the Request for Immediate Consultation. Then Only the Sector Specialist can Initiate the Conversation.
The Industry Experts Officially Registered with the Gojek Like App can either Send a Text Message or a Voice Call using the In-App Feature before Actually Starting the Video Consultation!
The User can Now Post Task Details on the Super App and get Real-Time Bids from Handymen such as:-
- Carpenters
- Electricians
- Plumbers
- Painters
- Home Cleaners
- Sanitizing and Disinfecting Agents
Then the User chooses the Best Bid based on One’s Budget and Online Ratings of the Service Provider!
All that the User has to Do is Fill Out a Form with Details Regarding the Service Requested such as:-
- Category of Task Requested
- Service Location/Residential Address
- Budget
- Specific Details of the Service Requested
- Preferred Date and Time
Now, the User has to Click on the “POST” Button!
App Like Gojek will help Smart Entrepreneurs like you become the Next Self-Made Billionaire! Tell me, Do you have that Entrepreneurial Gene in you? Then Contact an Authentic White-Labeling Firm like Gojek App Clone In Nigeria Right Away!